In a dangerous world, everyone needs protection.
No one suspects that a teenager could protect someone – but Connor Reeves is no ordinary 14 year old. He’s a professional bodyguard trained in surveillance, anti-ambush techniques, hostage survival and unarmed combat. When he’s summoned to protect the President’s daughter, his protection skills face the ultimate test.
Alicia doesn’t want to be guarded. She just wants to have fun. With no clue that Connor is her bodyguard, she tries to escape the Secret Service and lead him astray. But unknown to her and Connor, a terrorist sleeper cell has been activated.
Its mission: to take the President’s daughter HOSTAGE
This book was fun to read and a nice break from the sci fi I usually read. I wasn't expecting much, as although I used to love them, teen spy (or similar, like this) books just seem incredibly unrealistic and the idea has been used many times. But I was surprised.
I enjoyed reading about Connor and his friends, both in the UK and America. These parts broke up the action and really made me get to know the main characters a lot more. The concept of a 'buddyguard' and Connor's training in general seemed a lot more believable than other similar books I have read, but I thought it would make a lot more sense to have an older teen or adult. But then again, the whole point is the fact he's a teen and the book is for teens.
One thing that REALLY stuck out for me as a negative was the plot. While it was fast paced and exciting, I have read extremely similar plots, and at some points I almost inwardly groaned at it. It was also predictable. I saw most of it coming miles away.
If it wasn't for the plot, I would have loved the book. I had fun reading it, and it was fast paced and once I got into it, I was never bored when reading. I will be reading the sequel, though.