Sunday 17 June 2012

Showcase Sunday #4

This is a meme hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea where bloggers taking part showcase their new books.

Sorry for not posting a Showcase Sunday last week, I had no new books to review!

All borrowed from the library.

Agent 21 by Chris Ryan:  I hadn't heard of this book until I saw a review of it.  I've already started it and it's great so far!

The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore:  I read the first book, I Am Number Four, a while ago and thought it was pretty good.  I'm excited to read this, hopefully it's as good or better!

The Messenger Bird by Ruth Eastham:  I found out about this book from an Amazon suggestion!  I haven't heard of it or seen any reviews before, so I'm not completly sure what to expect but it looks good.


  1. I like finding new recommendations in my Amazon suggestions, I've found some good stuff that way. Hope you enjoy your books!

  2. The library is awesome, enjoy all your borrowed books!

  3. I loved The Power Of Six! I'm a new follower! Happy Reading!

    Letterbox Love!

  4. I preferred The Power of Six to I Am Number Four - it has a lot more action! Happy reading! :-)

  5. I haven't heard of any of these books but they look great so I hope you enjoy them :) Amazon recommendations are great and if you have the time to trawl through them sometimes you can find some gems!
    Happy Reading :)
