Sunday 3 June 2012

Showcase Sunday #3

This is a meme hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea where bloggers taking part showcase their new books.

Borrowed from the library:

Witch & Wizard by James Patterson:  I have had this sitting around for about a week!  I didn't know anything about it until I googled the book - looks good.  I like some of the Maximum Ride series, but some of them are a bit....meh so hopefully this will be more like the good ones.

Sent to me (!!):

Tomorrow When the War Began, The Dead of the Night and The Third Day, The Frost by John Marsden:  Eek!  The first books I have had sent to me! :D  Thank you to Luisa from Chicklish for sending me these books.  I am guest reviewing the second two for Chicklish, and I will post reviews for all three here.  They look pretty good!


  1. I know James Patterson, but the other books are new to me. I hope you enjoy them! :D

  2. I've not read any by these authors - I'll go look them up! Great load this week! I hope you enjoy all! :D

  3. Thank you for following :D

  4. Hmm... That James Patterson book looks really good. Enjoy your reads! :D

    Drop by my Showcase Sunday?

    1. Thank you :) I've just followed you, great blog!

  5. Those John Marsden books look amazing, I'll be looking out for your reviews!!! You're reviewing for Chicklish too? *high-five* It's great to meet a fellow Chicklish reviewer and Luisa is absolutely lovely!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :D

    1. I'm doing guest reviews for Chicklish, but I'm not part of the site! And thanks :D
